Sunday, January 1, 2012

A new year, a startling start

A New Year, a Startling Start

Psalm 90:10-12 (NLT)

Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear, and we fly away. Who can comprehend the power of your anger? Your wrath is as awesome as the fear you deserve. Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.

 It's a new year!

Everything is different we say, a fresh start. But is anything different, is it really a fresh start?

Only in our mind. The calendar starts over.

The calendar tells us at the year has changed, the old is out, the new is in. But nothing really is gone, all of our unconfessed sins are still with us, all of our old, bad attitudes that we haven't repented of and turned from still exist.

We lie to ourselves and tell us that it will be different in 2012. We say, more time praying, more time reading, more time ministering, but that time doesn't come, why? Because our attitudes haven't changed, our spirits haven't been revived.

 So, what a depressing start to the year, all these thoughts. And on top of it a meditation on the fact that our days our short and full of trouble! No hope from this!

Not true. Today can be different. Today can be new. How?

 1. Confessing our ideas and attitudes that produce our wasted time. Repenting of these godless ideas that we can live in Christ and be tied to the world, having its tentacles in us.
2. Realizing that one day there will be a just judge and all of our works will be weighed out in His mighty hand. Thinking and knowing that we will be rewarded for good works and be given great things, lasting things in God's kingdom for our faithfulness here.
3. Knowing at life is a vapor and tomorrow won't be for some of us. So live today like you are dying.
4. Run to Christ for forgiveness and redemption. Take that salvation he gave you to make you a creature zealous for good works, and work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

You can't earn anything before God, but you can manifest what is true and make your Father in heaven proud of you.

Happy New Year!

Live like today is your last day...and it counts!

- Christ, not man, is King

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