Monday, July 29, 2013

Kingdom Speech, Kingdom Desire, and Kingdom Movement

Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever. - 2 Samuel 7

God's sure word to David was fulfilled. But It didn't happen when it would have been expected, nor in a way that was expected. It was thought to be fulfilled in David's son Solomon's time. The wisest king, the biggest land, and the wealthiest Israel ever was. The rise and fall of a great empire showed that this wasn't the pinnacle or the sure kingdom time.

Why? Because an earthy king with remaining sin could not do what needed to be done...change hearts.

The sure throne is more sure than an earthly one. For the throne is in heaven, with Jesus Christ as king, and the reign is spiritual, in our hearts. But the kingdom works itself out in the physical world as well with renewed hearts, minds and actions.

But we have a dilemma, we here about this kingdom, it sounds wonderful to us, but we are far from it. But, to see the this kingdom on earth in a deeper and fuller way a few thing must happen for our eyes to be opened to begin to see it.

1. We must see our sin, repent of it and live as if God is first in our hearts and others second.
2. See God's glory and beauty, and desire it.
3. Then work in his church to see it flourish both internally and externally.

These three things cannot happen apart from prayer. Reading our bible is great, but it is not enough. Communion with God must happen and this only happens through prayer, and lots of it. Prayer that is private, prayer that is semi-private, and prayer that is public.

The sure house of David is the throne of Jesus Christ whose dominion is an extensive and complete dominion, and whose reign is an everlasting one. Our ultimate end is to be a part of this kingdom as his happy, loyal and loving subjects. But on this earth we must pray, pray, pray: your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

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